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Bobbi Brown Beauty Evolution: A Guide to a Lifetime of Beauty
Bobbi Brown Beauty Evolution: A Guide to a Lifetime of Beauty
  • 定價:1048


    博客來-Bobbi Brown Beauty Evolution: A Guide to a Lifetime of Beauty博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010546768


      Bobbi Brown, renowned beauty authority and author of two New York Times bestsellers, follows up with her most important book to date, Bobbi Brown Beauty Evolution. A celebration of beauty across the generations, this positive-outlook guide for women of all ages reflects, as Bobbi says, "What happens to us as we make our way through life, and how we can continue making ourselves better."

      In Bobbi Brown Beauty Evolution, Bobbi shares her candid views of her own beauty odyssey, as well as her formidable makeup expertise, to help women feel good about themselves at every age. Readers from their twenties to their seventies and beyond will experience a new appreciation of themselves through Bobbi's enriching book, and ultimately, even embrace — yes, embrace — the aging process.

      In the engaging, down-to-earth style that's pure Bobbi, she addresses the need-to-know issues we all face at one time or another — from how to deal with changes in skin to what adjustments in makeup application are really necessary (and appropriate) as we age and everything in between.

      With more than 300 photographs specially commissioned for this book, Bobbi Brown Beauty Evolution includes the personal, heartfelt thoughts of real women from all walks of life — all ages (from 20 to 101!), shapes, sizes, and ethnicities — reflecting on what beauty means to them. Their words serve to underscore Bobbi's message that true beauty isn't something you're blessed with — "it comes from having confidence and feeling good about who you are."


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